Are you tired to look in dozens of websites?
Or to always call you Northern Lights forecast expert friend?
Then this app is your new expert friend!
Northern Eye App helps you keep track of Northern Lights (aka Aurora Borealis) activity daily and hourly.
It can inform you about:
- the probability of viewing the northern lights in your location at any given time;
- the weather and visibility conditions in your location;
- long and short term forecast of Northern Lights activity
- Useful indicators about sun's activity.
Northern Eye App is also a custom notifier: it can also send you alerts if the chances of witnessing such wonderful lights show are higher than a threshold.
What are you waiting for?
Don't miss out on things you love the most.
Stay warm outside, and don't forget bring with you a hot chocolate mug!
Northern Eye Aurora Forecast,
your bridge to awareness. Your trusted friend in Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) forecast.
Don't miss out on the stunning show of Northern Lights, right outside your walls.
Apakah Anda lelah melihat di puluhan website?
Atau untuk selalu menghubungi Anda Northern Lights meramalkan teman ahli?
Maka aplikasi ini adalah teman ahli baru Anda!
Northern App Eye membantu Anda melacak Northern Lights (alias Aurora Borealis) aktivitas harian dan per jam.
Hal ini dapat memberitahu Anda tentang:
- Probabilitas melihat cahaya utara di lokasi Anda pada waktu tertentu;
- Cuaca dan visibilitas kondisi di lokasi Anda;
- Panjang dan pendek perkiraan jangka aktivitas Northern Lights
- Indikator yang berguna tentang aktivitas matahari.
Northern App Eye juga notifier kustom: itu juga dapat mengirimkan alert jika kemungkinan menyaksikan lampu indah seperti menunjukkan lebih tinggi dari ambang.
Apa yang kamu tunggu?
Jangan lewatkan pada hal-hal yang paling Anda cintai.
Tinggal di luar hangat, dan jangan lupa bawa cangkir cokelat panas!
Northern Eye Aurora Forecast,
jembatan untuk kesadaran. teman terpercaya Anda di Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) perkiraan.
Jangan lewatkan pada acara yang menakjubkan dari Northern Lights, tepat di luar dinding Anda.